THE COUNTDOWN to the last 1,000 days to the
2015 deadline of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has begun. On
April 5, the world marked the beginning of the critical last mile of the
Launched in 2000 with the signing of the
Millennium Declaration by 189 UN member-countries, the MDGs became the
global agenda for development at the start of the new century. Being
time-bound and measurable, the MDGs have made a difference and changed
the way of achieving development objectives.
The eight MDGs are: halve extreme poverty and hunger; universal primary
education; 3-gender equality; 4-reduce child mortality; 5-improved
women’s health; 6-stop and reverse the spread of TB, malaria and
HIV/AIDS; 7-environmental sustainability; and 8-global partnerships for
aid, trade and debt relief. The MDGs are measured against 18 targets and
60 indicators.
Twelve years hence, the MDGs have shown successes in mobilizing the
global community into achieving its targets. As of the 2012 Global MDGs
Progress Report, four targets have been achieved. First, the global
target of halving extreme poverty from its 1990 level has been reached,
equivalent to 600 million people.
The 2012 progress report notes that for the first time since poverty
trends began to be monitored, both the number of people living in
extreme poverty and poverty rates have fallen in every developing
region, including sub-Saharan Africa, where rates are highest. The
proportion of people living on less than $1.25 a day fell from over two
billion to less than 1.4 billion.
Second, halving the proportion of people without access to improved
sources of water or two billion people now have access to improved
sources such as piped supplies or protected wells.
Third, the target of improving the lives of at least 100 million slum
dwellers has been achieved ahead of its later 2020 deadline. More than
200 million slum dwellers have gained access to improved water sources
and sanitation facilities, or durable or less crowded housing.
Fourth, the world has achieved another milestone: parity in primary
education between girls and boys. Many more of the world’s children are
enrolled in school at the primary level and girls have benefited the
Maternal and child mortality have also been dropping. Targeted
investments, especially increased access to medication in fighting
malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis have saved millions of lives.
To what are these successes attributed to? Clear evidence shows that
targeted interventions, sustained by adequate funding and political
commitment, have resulted in rapid progress in some areas.
Many recent studies have been pointing to more specific success factors
on why some countries do better than others like: proactive development
states committed to long-term human development, actively promoting
decent and productive work as part of inclusive growth, enhancing public
investment in health and education and nurturing productive capacities;
tapping global markets; and social policy innovations such as social
protection, safety nets, education for all and universal system of
health care.
On another hand, unfulfilled commitments, insufficient resources, lack
of focus and accountability, and insufficient dedication to sustainable
development have created shortfalls in many areas. Some of these were
aggravated by the global food and economic and financial crises, climate
change and natural disasters.
Thus globally, progress has been uneven. In the 1,000 days to the MDGs
deadline, the rallying call is to accelerate the pace and step-up the
effort for those MDGs that are lagging behind.
Cited as an early achiever in gender equality; on track in halving
extreme or subsistence poverty, reducing child mortality and environment
sustainability, the Philippines must now focus on accelerating and
intensifying efforts to reduce maternal mortality -- the MDG that is
least likely to be achieved in the Philippines, increase access to
universal primary education, reduce income poverty and vulnerable
employment by half, and reverse the rising trend of HIV/AIDS.
The strategy of localization, supported by government convergences in
programmes that target multiple MDGs, will be crucial in this last mile.
Conditions of inequality and disparities across regions and within
provinces will also require targeted attention.
Local government units (LGUs) are the “vital cogs” in this
intensification of the MDGs. With the support of the national government
through stronger policy coherence and increased financial resources,
the private sector through resources and investment decisions, and the
civil society through advocacy and monitoring, the next 1,000 days
offers the opportunity for the country to muster the political will and
dedicate its best in harnessing its resources to achieve the MDGs
As the world is now coming closer to 2015 and the post-2015 agenda is
unraveling, the MDGs have indeed shown the way to development. The new
post-2015 development agenda will benefit from the lessons learned from
the MDGs.
In 2000, the MDGs were embraced as a unifying theme of global
development. The momentum that the MDGs created when the Millennium
Declaration was signed is going for a final push. It will always stand
as a remarkable moment where all nations were able to reach consensus
towards progress and development of humankind. That momentum has to be
kept alive more than ever. It will spell the difference for the MDGs in
the journey of the next 1,000 days to 2015.
Luiza Carvalho is the UN Resident Coordinator in the Philippines.
source: Businessworld
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